Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay on divine wind. essays

Essay on divine wind. essays Friendship and love controls Hart's life. With out needing them he's nothing. He has the love and friendship of his family, school friends and "Misty as a relationship". Even if the love and friendship has its up and downs, like a roller coaster ride, he still needs it all. Firstly Hart has his family who love him and who are his friends. There is Michael who is his Father. Michael has a lot of love for Hart. Ida, Hart's Mother, moved back to England and eventually died. But Hart loves her still and she will always love him. Next is Alice his sister. She did alot of things that were not acceptable. Hart loved her, she was one of his friends. Alice loved him back just as much. His family all needed each others love and friendship. Even if they don't show it all the time. Then there are his friends at school. There is Alice is sister. Mitsy who he feels like he wants to be more then just friends with. But they start off as friends. Jamie is really he's only friend for now. Eventually Hart thinks that Jamie is trying to take Mitsy away from him. Hart saves Jamie from drowning. But for a split second Hart's Bad concious comes through, which is one bad side of friendships. It brings a lot of attention that Jamie is his only friend at school apart from his relation ship with Mitsy. Next is the forbidden kind of love. That was between Hart and Mitsy. Only because jof the war with the Japanese that it was so forbidden. How it started off was just as friends at school. Then they were in lust with each other. Maybe there were in love with each other. After Mity's father Zak died? was the first time they sexual intercourse. The sex continued on until Alice, Hart's sister was lost in war with the Japanese. At that point Hart was being abit self concious over the Japanese. Tbe love between Mitsy and Hart was over. My conclusion is that with friendships or love both have their up's and down's. It only works out if both membersof th ...

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